Past Life Trauma Healing
Your Journey to a Fulfilling Life
Transform your life with Shamanic Healing
Past Life Trauma Healing
Past Life Trauma Healing
Transform your life with Shamanic Chakra Energy Upgrades
Walking the Beauty Path

Past Life Trauma Healing
Past Life Trauma (PLT) is the experience of a parellel reality coexisting in present time. The dimension of the trauma is still active within your energetic blueprint. The presence of PLT can be radically mystifying as well as overtly distinguished in manifesting as physical, mental, emotionally and energetic symptoms that have no other rational cause or navigation of cure.

When the causation and characters involved in the PLT are attended to within the session the disturbances and symptoms of the PLT cease. Just a small sample of PLT that l have tended to includes manifestations of sleeplessness, mind movies appearing real and creating psychological and emotional disturbance, unexplainable bells ringing in the ears, loss of physical sight and bearing pain of a broken spine due to acute injury.

The power of a PLT session means letting go of your trauma and is your very own Revelation providing you with integral personal information unique to you. As a Visionary Shaman my talent is upon no emphasis on regression states or reactivating more intensity in the PLT session. The emphasis is purely upon clearing the already active dimension of that trauma.