
Land Blessing

Your Journey to a Fulfilling Life

Transform the place where you are


Land Blessing

Land Blessing

Transform your life with Shamanic Chakra Energy Upgrades

Land Blessing

Blessing the Earth means Blessing Yourself

Land Blessing

– A land Blessing is a very sacred transfer of energy, similar to a house but also having more inherent or potential properties related to its longer term story of existence. There can be a Blessing called forth to acknowledge Spirit Animals that need to be honoured and gently passed over, disentangled, or witnessed in some way.

Of course, this can cross boundaries with the adage of a House Blessing at times. Land blessings may be Culturally significant in many cases, so that a strong message of the past will centrally tint the deeper meaning of the Blessing. This is a Sacred article that is a very blessed communion with the writer and the current land owners or caretakers with which would be the benevolent receivers of the details of the Blessing.

Thus, all House and Land Blessings come with a written account of the Blessing as a special keepsake, sometimes as a lesson or reminder. The writer has at times been called upon to gather small but significant tokens that are meaningful to the plight of the Land’s Blessings. All Spiritual Blessings are unique and hold their own energy blueprint.


“An amazing gift has been given to us to enjoy. She is spot on!”

– Jason Hall

Live Your True Potential With Spiritual and Shamanic Healing

Live Your True Potential With Spiritual and Shamanic Healing

Let your Desire be your Destiny.