
House Blessing

Your Journey to a Fulfilling Life

Transform your life with Shamanic Healing


House Blessing

House Blessing

Transform your life with Shamanic Chakra Energy Upgrades

Transforming the Energy Blueprint of Your Home

Bless your home

House Blessing

A House Blessing is a communion between the writer and the spirit of your Home. Everything has a living breathing Spirit and has its own energy signature and language. A House Blessing may be indicated for a myriad circumstances. Some of these include the occupants simply feeling strangely different or confused about the energy of their home after a period of peacefulness. It may include a sweeping feeling of sudden claustrophobia, unproductively of an occupant/s, an inability to settle or sleep, or feeling that inanimate items within the home are out of place, alignment or out of whack.

It can be very subtle for some and also very strong, or obvious for other home dwellers. One may view this situation as a Shamanic Harmony akin to Feng Shui, however it is a Spiritual endeavour bearing dissimilarities also, and some of those striking ones require Shamanic Blessing and harmonisation. Another example is when a house is having invited guests and energy aspects of the house may be issuing a warning about a particular guest’s intentions or actual doings. Another example is when a house has been energetically neglected in some way and has something to say about it. Some homes lay dormant whilst others are more active and seek an audience.

A blessing is not just a scripted sage smudging, it is a rigorous attunement that will assert what its own unique needs might be. Of course, extra uninvited energy beings may need to be sent home, that is more under the beacon of spirit dispossession of a structure.


“Thank you, thank you thank you! Bless you, bless you, bless you! I am ever so grateful to you for all you have done for my partner and l. ”

– Julie, Sydney

Live Your True Potential With Spiritual and Shamanic Healing

Live Your True Potential With Spiritual and Shamanic Healing

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